
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Disclaimer: I wrote this a few days ago and I've been waiting to get ahold of Hubby's phone so I can download pictures off of it. Hasn't happened yet so I'll just edit them in when I can, try to enjoy despite the picturelessness.

Yesterday was THE BEST MAIL DAY EVER! I got both spindles, the Pink and Blue Space roving, and the Pirate Tote from Anatomy of a Skirt. The bag I LOVE LOVE LOVE! It was totally worth the wait. The roving was awesome, and I didn't realize how much 4oz was! The spindles were great too.

So of course I taught myself how to spin last night using this as a reference. I think I did pretty well for a self-taught first timer.

And only one thing went wrong, besides the uneven spinning :) The roving was crocking like crazy! (Crocking is the rubbing off of excess dye.) I had purple hands afterwards! Being a beginner I wasn't sure that this was unusual or just a part of handspinning. Apparently it's not unusual but it's not supposed to happen either. I have to order some Synthrapol to wash the roving in. It's a little annoying being my first experience with spinning. My main concern is how to get the dye off of the spindle so it doesn't get on any other yarn I spin. I'm sure I'll find a remedy online somewhere. Sigh. (update: the internet says use chlorine bleach) Looking at the bright side, I know how to spin now! I'll be excited to spin the Rose of Sharon roving when it gets here. Hopefully there won't be any crocking with that one!

PS The new Knitty is up!!!

Posted by Elyse at 10:00 AM |


At March 15, 2007 at 9:13:00 AM CDT, Blogger crissy said........
sounds like your having fun there ? i keep thinking about learning how to spin yarn but just not there yet.