A couple weeks ago it snowed. And melted. I hadn't taken my kiddos out to play, and I felt bad. Then it snowed again, started to melt, and again I felt bad I hadn't taken them out to play. The other night it snowed again and then again. So refusing to be an evil mother and deprive my children the pure enjoyment of play in the white fluffy stuff, I took them out to play.
It took thirty minutes to get everyone suited up and, of course, I forgot my gloves and scarf. Oh well, at least the kids had theirs. I did remember to camera, hence the photos at the end of the post. So, I'm taking pictures and hoping they're turning out decently. My camera doesn't like to show the actual quality on the replay, have I mentioned I need a new camera? It's not happening soon so don't get your hopes up. The one I have is working decently enough, I'll have to just do without primo quality blog pics.
We're outside for all of maybe five minutes before Rayden starts crying because his hand is cold. His mitten had fallen off. So I get his hand brushed off and search for the mitten. I find it on the make shift ramp that was built for the dog for going outside (note the picture of Rayden climbing it below). A new deck should magically be appearing in that same spot sometime this spring I think :) Those elves are just wonderful aren't they?
Rayden gets his glove back and plays for about two more minutes before he starts crying again. Simultaneously, Rion starts to yell too. Hmmmm...this isn't going quite as well as I had imagined. After a little consideration I decide that it's best to just go bck inside and have a cup of cocoa, which is what we did.
snow + 3 autistic little boys + 1 adult = a mother who is not going to beat herself up if she is the only parent who hasn't taken her kids out into the snow. When I thought back on it, after the fact, I realized that the people I had been thinking about taking their kids out in the snow a) only had one child b) might have had more children but they were older or had more space between their ages c) had help in the form of a husband or grandparent (mine were working at the time of the snow excursion). Actually I'll just have Rashawn go out with me or someone and the other two boys have fun inside. Rashawn loved it but the other two had the impression that it was overrated I believe. They'll be older next year so we'll see how it goes then.