Continental and I have decided to separate indefinitely. I tried. I really, really did, but our relationship just couldn't last. There was just way too much high maintenance for me to deal with. I mean seriously I always had to come back and make sure everything was done correctly and it never was. Sometimes things were just uptight and other times way too laid back. How can anyone live like that? It's so unpredictable. Yes, I know, I know, there are those who enjoy such a relationship but it's just not for me! I suppose living like that is just different for others. They were made for that kind of life and can keep everything organized and consistent. I'm not one of those people. So bye bye to Continental. I'll be going back to my ex Throwing. We just worked SO well together. Everything gets done faster and life is much more CONSISTENT! If you're reading this, please don't be jealous, it isn't you it's me. We just don't mesh. It wasn't meant to be. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, really! I'll miss you. I wish it could have worked out too. Maybe we can get together again for old times sake. Like for a nice relaxing cup of cocoa and some quality catch up time. That could be nice. But as a long term thing, we can never be more than just friends. And don't worry about me, Throwing will take really good care of me promise. We work well together. Good luck with everything, it's really too bad it didn't work out for us. It could have been such a beautiful thing.