I actually have some knitting to show you! Lots of little stuff and some progress on the Circle Sunrise Jacket.
First off are the garter stitch scarves I wipped up for the boys.
Then comes the eye patch for Rashawn, I just winged it so it came out kinda big but he loved it anyway.
And the last of the knitted Christmas presents happen to be my first knitted toys.
A peep for Rion our duck obsessed 2 yr old. He said duck and started quacking when he opened it!
And a little red elephant for Rayden since he's always asking me to make elephant sounds.
The boys had fun this Christmas. They got a lot of stuff they loved AND we didn't spend very much money. One of the best things we got was Rashawn's Power Rangers play outfit for $10. He loved it and put it on immediately.
Oh and just for the cuteness of it here's a pic of the three in their Christmas PJs :)
Okay so here's my progress on the CSJ.
I'm soooo loving it and so far it looks like it'll fit just fine, but we'll see once it's totally done. if it's too small I won't frog until I've lost all the weight I plan on losing before the two weddings I'm in this "summer" (april and june).
As far as my next project goes I'm definitely doing Jeanie.
Tata for now!