#1 Write, not occasionaly, a lot! I have a five book series that I'm determined to get published.
#2 Knit, be more consistent about knitting time and get some serious projects from my queue done(this includes stockings and Christmas presents that I've decided to make starting now and presenting them as I finish them. Hey, better late than never right??)
#3 Lose 30 lbs and get a celebratory knitting tattoo much like this one (but unique of course)-
That's it. I figure keeping it simple will make it more attainable right? Yeah, I'm skeptical too but these are things I really want/need to do. Especially the losing weight. I have one wedding in April and another in June that I'm in and I NEED to be in shape. I lost 40lbs after Rion was born so I'm pretty sure this is doable. I just have to get into the swing of it and then I'm golden. Easier said than done...blech. Although not having any cute clothes is helping push my incentive a bit.